Edward Hopper - Morning Sun - 1952 Oil on Canvas
I found the painting although slightly depressing more of an inspiring and hopefuly painting then I had researched about Hopper's work. I find the girl in the painting is alone, hoping for something more, scared of what lies ahead, unhappy and hoping for something better, at the bottom looking upwards, insignificant to the world, preparing for a new beggining, an average person wanting to do inspiring things, moving out of the darkness, confronting the future and searching for happiness in the negative. Her body language in the picture demonstrates her insecurity and her gaze appears to demonstrate her inner thoughts as she delves inside herself. This also adds to what I read about Hopper's paintings of females often demonstrated an inner view of what was going on inside someones head. Hence I came up with the following sentence:
The path for a young girl preparing for a new beggining.
This sentence is vague but I believe a good starting point for me to delve further and narrow my ideas into just one.
For the moment I believe the seeting of the space should me in a small park in the CBD surround by high rise buildings on 3 sides and water on the other.
Some basic concept ideas exploring the journey from dark to light, from struggles to new begginings. Perhaps a bit too literal. I want to compact these ideas into just one space.